Sunday, January 15, 2012

Staff Party Re-cap

The Staff had a Holiday (It's about time) Party last night! 

So I thought I would post a quick re-cap of the party for you as all I have heard this morning are stories from last night. 

The party was at the home of the Big Boss Lady. Her husband Tom served up Ribs and sushi that him and James spent all day making. 

Some old staff showed up... Roy, Gurjeet & Rachelle [I miss these minions]

Everyone ate a lot and drank a bit. 

Adam ended up in a Turkey hat after a game of Catch Phrase for no apparent reason

The night went of with lots of random conversations and groups playing games. 

So I hear they had a lot of fun. I wasn't invited as the boss ladies cat would have had an issue with me! 

Adam in his Turkey Hat!

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